Unlicensed employees? Florida Home Inspectors InterNACHI®️ Forum

The success of many a home sale has hinged on the home successfully passing an inspection. A majority of standard real estate purchase agreements come with home inspection contingency language already written in them. A home inspection normally is paid for by the buyer and the inspector works on behalf of that buyer. Home inspections typically are conducted by certified home inspectors, but any competent professional, such as a contractor, agreed to by the buyer and seller, is acceptable. Many buyers and sellers don't know that inspectors can't complete home repairs, so you'll have to tell them politely. It's perfectly okay to explain that it's against your code of ethics to do so.

can a contractor do a home inspection

The week or two after a property goes under contract can, unfortunately, be pretty nerve-racking,” Day says. A pre-listing inspection could make the whole sales process faster and easier for everyone involved. According to Buell, more and more sellers have opted for a pre-listing inspection in the past five years than they used to because they can catch things early on that might create roadblocks and delays later. A home inspector goes through an exhaustive checklist to ensure the home is safe for the next inhabitants. It’s important that, as a seller, you prepare for the inspection to avoid unnecessary blemishes on the report. But keep in mind that even the most prepared sellers can be surprised by what the inspection turns up.

When pre-listing inspections are a bad idea

One reason that the list of common repairs is so broad is that the most successful home inspectors use a comprehensive inspection checklist that covers everything from the foundation to the rooftop. A great inspector will note anything out of the ordinary that can be easily seen, so the list of suggested repairs is sometimes extensive. If the inspection reveals issues that the buyer doesn’t want to deal with and the buyer and seller can’t reach an agreement, the seller will have to put the house back on the market. When a house goes under contract, the MLS will show that it was a pending sale or under contract.

If light bulbs aren’t working, it could be a sign of electrical issues. Make sure the inspector has access to the electrical panel, furnace, and water heater. Clear out clutter in spaces like the basement, attic, garage, and crawl spaces. Inspectors will need to get in there to check for moisture or damage. If they can’t access it, they’ll mark it as “uninspectable” which could prolong the process. In short, whoever arranges and schedules the home inspection should always be present while the home inspector is there.

Top Markets in Florida

When determining whether an inspection meets the required standard of care. However, the California Trade practice act prohibits unethical home inspection practices. However, for applications received between July 1 and December 31, the fee is $375. That registers you for the balance of the year plus the following calendar year. There is a bonding requirement of $10,000 for home inspectors, effective January 1, 2015.

Consult the actual policy or your agent for details regarding available coverages. Information relating to education and risk control is provided as a convenience for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute legal or professional advice. It is provided to assist you in recognizing potential unsafe work problems or conditions and not to establish compliance with any law, rule or regulation. Home inspectors have been sued before by sellers who believe a deal falling through was the fault of the home inspector and their incorrect reporting. However, it can be difficult for sellers to challenge the inspection as a third party, since the relationship in question is between the buyer and the inspector.


They provide buyers with information about the property's condition and can help identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed before the sale. If a home inspection reveals such problems, odds are you’re responsible for fixing them. Start by getting some bids from contractors to see how much the work will cost. From there, you can fix these problems or—the more expedient route—offer the buyers a credit so they can pay for the fixes themselves. This might be preferable, as you won’t have to oversee the process; you can move out and move on with your life. To make sure you don’t accidentally accept a job to do repairs on a house you’ve inspected within the past year, it’s crucial to keep good records.

can a contractor do a home inspection

In some cases, the buyer may walk away from the purchase if the home inspection reveals more issues than they’re willing to deal with. For a team inspection by two FL-licensed contractors and inspectors. Everything in a real estate transaction is negotiable, including the type of professional used to conduct a home inspection. It's also up to a home's seller whether or not to accept a purchase agreement from a buyer that contains a home inspection or other contingency.

Contractors may perform specific “inspections” of the system that include some systems or components of the house. So from what I'm reading, it seems like a division 1 contractor could do this without any problems, as long as he doesn't keep up as a home inspector. This lack of ethical standards and provisions for the licensed contractor provides a market advantage over the licensed professional home inspector. In addition, the two sets of rules undermine the whole concept of housing inspection licenses .

can a contractor do a home inspection

At Jarrett Law, we work specifically with real estate contracts, whether you are purchasing, selling, or doing some remodeling with contractors. In addition, we know deeds, titles, deeds of trust, mortgages, and everything real estate-related. Rather than look to contractors for the answers to home inspection problems, homebuyers should look for the most qualified and experienced home inspectors available. And when you interview potential inspectors, let them know that you are not comfortable with a simple refund as a limit of liability.

If there’s a huge crack in a wall or the roof is leaking, you’re probably aware of it. Things like pests and foundation issues are typically the ones that come as a surprise to sellers. The seller most likely will have to foot the bill for whatever turned up as a health or safety issue in the inspection. Wolfe adds that this is where a good real estate agent comes in handy because they can help with negotiations and make sure the seller is protected from unreasonable requests. Day typically suggests that clients with older homes get a pre-listing inspection.

can a contractor do a home inspection

Once you have completed a minimum of 75 inspections under supervision, you can take the exam to become licensed. Regardless of the inspection results, home inspectors should not be advising buyers as to whether they should move forward with the purchase. Their job is simply to inspect and report their findings, and then let the buyer come to their own conclusion. In some cases, it may make sense to consult with your agent and weigh the pros and cons of the costs of repairs versus letting the buyer walk and re-listing your home as-is. If you’ll be taking care of the repairs, you’ll want to get at least three quotes from reputable contractors. A home inspection contingency is an addendum to the offer contract that allows the buyer to conduct an inspection and then back out of the deal if they are unsatisfied with the findings.

State-by-State Home Inspector Licensing Requirements for 2023 (Map)

It’s an excellent idea to have a buyer’s agent when purchasing new construction. Likewise, both major professional organizations for home inspectors have ethical standards that forbid inspectors from taking side gigs repairing homes they’ve reported on. Likewise, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors forbids accepting a fee for repair of components covered in a home inspection for the same one-year period. If you choose to get a pre-listing inspection, you can prepare yourself for repair requests from buyers. However, you may be legally required to disclose the findings of the report to buyers, which could prove to be detrimental.

While the House Inspectors' Licensing Board has established a minimum requirement for reporting, reports can vary widely. User promo code onward25 during checkout to save 25% on your Inman Select Membership. These early construction phases are all essential points where an inspection should be conducted. Consider getting a new home inspection, whether a stick-built house, modular home or even a shipping container home. However, in a normal market, you won’t be able to draw such a hard and fast line related to an inspection. Low-hanging branches can raise the possibility of roof damage and give rodents access to chimneys and other openings.

Home Inspection Requirements for North Carolina

Typically, the buyer pays for their own inspection, and can use a licensed home inspector of their choosing. However, sellers who may be concerned about what might be found in an inspection sometimes opt to pay for their own pre-inspection. Based on the results, you can price your home accordingly, and you won’t be surprised by the results of your buyer’s inspection. Do note that any problems revealed in your pre-inspection have to be disclosed to your buyer.


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